What is BEAGLES?

BEAGLES stands for BEhavioral Annotation and Gesture LEarning Suite, and is intended for behavioral analysis and quantification of video data. The image annotation GUI was originally forked from labelImg and the machine learning backend is based on darkflow but converts darknet configuration files to TensorFlow 2 networks. Backend functionalities like training, prediction, video annotation/quantification can be accessed from the GUI as well as from an interactive command shell or the BEAGLES API itself.


In the directory you would like to build BEAGLES:

# clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/rjdbcm/BEAGLES.git

# move to the build-tools directory
cd BEAGLES/dev/build-tools/

# run the build script

# move to the repo root and run make
cd ../../


This will install Homebrew on MacOS.